By John Arenas | April 14, 2014

Sitting is the New Smoking

There’s the flexibility associated with where you can work, and then there’s the flexibility offered by the workplace itself. And that can have health consequences.

Many experts agree that sitting too much is hazardous for your health. To combat this problem, innovators have created various office furniture solutions that encourage people to stand more while on the job.

The most popular remedy is a standing desk. Many companies have created desks that are taller so users can stand and do their work rather than sitting. More recent versions actually feature adjustable heights instead of one standard size. That way you can sit for a couple hours, then stand for an hour.

Nevertheless, a great adjustable desk comes at a price. Many of the most revolutionary desks that transform from sitting level to standing start at around $4000.00. While these luxury desks could do a lot to improve your overall well-being, the tag is hefty enough that not all companies can afford them.  Additionally, most independent or work at home professionals can’t rationalize making this kind of investment.

Thankfully, innovators are beginning to release other options to compete with the top of the line transformational desk. For example, the Stand Desk reached its Kickstarter goal last week and starts at only $400.00. This desk adjusts automatically at the touch of a button and is made of either laminate or bamboo.

When converting to a sitting/standing regimen, many experts recommend purchasing an anti-fatigue mat. This is the most important accessory to go along with your new standing desk. Many new standing desk users complain of initial feet and back pain—which is what you bought the new desk to avoid right? Not to worry, there are many brands of anti-fatigue mats and levels of comfort to choose from. For users who work in an office with hard surface floors, this mat is a must to make your transition from sitting to standing.

To learn more about the dangers of sitting and the benefits of standing or walking, check out “Meetings: Walk Don’t Sit”.

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