By John Arenas | July 30, 2014

Is Virtual Coworking a Thing?

Using a concept not unlike Weiden + Kennedy’s Real Life at Work installation, Dallas-based coworking space The Common Desk enlisted its employees to create a storyline and film a four-episode series on its workplace culture to appear on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube each week.

A Reality TV take on The Office? Maybe not. But the face time paid off. Common Desk improved its Google rankings and increased night memberships by 30-percent after giving the public a glimpse into what the Common Desk’s community manager Merrick Pickens referred to as “the quirkiness of its members.” The series gives viewers a virtual experience of the coworking culture particular to The Common Desk.

The communal spaces and collaborative work systems featured in the series, similar to those at Serendipity Labs, fill the gap between office requirements and people needs, so that relationships blossom and brainstorming is bigger.

To get some virtual face time with coworking spaces, check out the Serendipity Labs Facebook or Twitter pages.


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