Selling Yourself in the First Five Minutes - Featuring Doug Rawady with Sandler Training

Selling Yourself in the First Five Minutes - Featuring Doug Rawady with Sandler Training

Date / Time

July 9, 2024

5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Hosted by Serendipity Labs


​People buy you and me first, before they consider our product or service – and they make that decision in five minutes. In this 90 minute complimentary seminar we’ll explore the psychology behind selling yourself (in your personal, and business life) quickly and genuinely in today’s fast paced world!

​You’ll Learn: 1) How to instantly bond with strangers 2) Why the words we say are the least effective way to connect with others 3) The seven universal facial expressions and how to interpret them 4) How body language can signal a person’s true emotional state.

​Stay after the presentation for a happy hour and networking opportunity!

​About Doug Rawady:

​Doug is a Business Development Director with Sandler Training with 40 years B2B and B2C experience. He helps company owners and entrepreneurs realize their full performance and income potential through the discovery and activation of underutilized resources and assets, and the application of proven sales, marketing, leadership and customer relationship strategies and best practices.

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